What is Karate
Budokan is a traditional art of self-defence originated from Malaysia in the early 60s. The style of karate is based on the Kenshinkan (older version of Shotokan) and some Chinese kung fu and Tae kwon do influence.
KBI (Wales) is a full member of the WKGB, British Karate Federation and European & World Karate Federation. Karate Budokan International was founded on July 17,
What makes us stand out?
The environment is disciplined ( it has to be for safety reasons), yet relaxed and friendly. We all encourage and help each other as much as possible. The one thing we all have in common is the desire to improve our Budokan Karate skills and technique.
Why learn Budokan Karate?
Many people join to get fit, some join because it’s something different, self-defence, and so on.
Whatever the reason, those that preserve with the practice of karate invariably find it has much more to offer, both physically and mentally than conventional sports. Often, the original reason for joining becomes forgotten as students become fascinated in the study of Budokan Karate.
I Love KBI
Sir Where is your head office
Our HQ is in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.
If you need to contact me, My e-mail is: MasterMikeTan@aol.co.uk
Hanchin Mike Tan (8th Dan – President and Chief Instructor of KBI Europe).
Good day ,
We would like to be a part of your team and application for affiliation .. Hope for a positive reply .
Thank you
Hello, Apologies for the late reply. If you need more information please send me an e-mail to: MasterMikeTan@aol.co.uk
Hi Nebil,
Thank you for your email.
Please email me on: mastermiketan@aol.co.uk
And give me more details why you want to join my organisation>
Shihan Mike Tan (8th Dan Black Belt – Europe)